today has been a day filled with many travels, journeys into memory. i have been rummaging through my past, my childhood packed up in storage boxes, easily contained, tidy. with the opening of each container i was reunited with fragments of myself, the me that i have been and left behind. old journals, some only half finished, high school yearbooks, my baby blanket that i gently tucked around my dolls when i put them to bed, photos of friends whose names i have long since forgotten, the stuffed animals that kept me safe at night from the evil closet monster. each is a puzzle piece, put all together they form an almost complete picture of me.the greatest discovery today: gabby, my best friend and constant companion, my cabbage patch. my uncle brought the two of us together, he thought her name perfect considering my tendency towards chattiness. we shared many an adventure together, she was (is) fearless and often encouraged me to take a deep breath, take the plunge, try something new. gabby, who is still beautiful after 22 years of seeing me through life. her legs and arms are a bit careworn from playing, hugging, and occasionally soaking up tears, yet she still smiles, still loves.
i have enjoyed this reconnecting, remembering. i am content.
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